Our Work












Nearly 46% of Clinton County residents are ALICE households or households in poverty, which is higher than Pennsylvania’s overall percentage of 37%. As a result when disaster strikes many families fall even deeper into debt and despair. The Clinton County United Way helps fund programs that can assist in stabilizing families in need. An example of such a program is the Clinton County Housing Coalition, which offers those without a place to call home in our community a safe, clean, supportive environment, to create a new direction in their journey.

Did you know...

The United Way of Clinton County will invest nearly $32,000 into programs focused on INCOME AND EMERGENCY NEEDS all located in Clinton County.











So many of us take it for granted. Just being healthy. With access to care and resources we need when we’re not. And the education to know how to take better care of ourselves. For many in our community, that’s just not the case. Often the emergency room is their only option. And by then it can be too late. Better health means better life. That’s why the Clinton County United Way is fighting for better health access and resources in our communities. We’re making strong, strategic investments in programs that provide all our adults and children access to the health services they need to not only be well but thrive. Good health and nutrition are a leading factor in a young person’s ability to perform academically, and for a family to achieve financial stability. The Clinton County United Way will continue the fight for public policies and programs that focus on health and wellness for our community’s children and families 


Did you know...

The United Way of Clinton County will invest nearly $38,000 into HEALTH FOCUSED PROGRAMS.